About me

I am a sunny and joyful boy, who started programming at eleven years old and never stopped.

  name: "Luca Fabbian",
  hobbies: [
    "watching Netflix while drinking chamomile",
    // tea makes me sleepless sweat emoji

I may be messy in everyday life, but when it comes to coding, I'm a stickler for cleanliness and efficiency. I love CD/CI pipelines and client side apps: I made this very website from scratch, using pure CSS tricks when possible (turn off JavaScript - the page will still work smile!)

In my free time, I enjoy contributing to open-source projects. Here some successfull projects I built from scratch:

Magebook web editor

Magebook editor

A web app to write and prototype interactive fiction and gamebooks. Built with cutting-edge technologies, it pushes the javascript client to its limits, providing a perfect offline experience.
Key features include: collaborative editing based on Firebase, Word/Libreoffice interopability, template to make Ionic apps, integration with VSCode. Many italian publications (and some abroad too) employed it with success.

Giacomo Bernini

Gamebook writer

Magebook feels fresh and modern, and it's a pleasure to use

Marco Zamanni

3-time winner of the "Best italian librogame award"

As a gamebook writer, I consider it the best tool available

Simone Zanella

High school teacher / IT Engineer

A great tool for teaching and writing all together with my students

Try it now!


Webassembly port of the HDT library, a high-performance library for storing graph data.



A simple Jupyter kernel to run C++ inside notebooks. While there are more advanced alternatives, this one it's more hackable and it's easier to install. With ipycpp you always know what's going on under the hood - a huge deal for low level programming.



Node library to package electron projects into self-bootable CD .iso files, based on Tiny Core Linux.


Developing: I deeply know the Typescript/Javascript ecosystem, including Node, Electron, Ionic and HTML/CSS (with Svelte, Vue e React frameworks). I also know Java, Kotlin, Python, Golang, Bash, C, C++, Nim and, with less degree, Matlab and Haskell . I am comfortable with Git, Docker, AWS, Kali Linux .

Languages: Italian it mothertongue. I am used to write and read in English gb for my everyday studies. TOEFL English Certification with a score of 102/120 (roughly a C1 level)

Soft skills: quick-learner, able to handle deadlines and last minute issues. I am used to work in groups. As a hobby, I enjoy learning about modern narratology tecniques.

Professional Experiences

Gasparini logo

Gasparini Industries Srl - Developer, researcher

Full time job, from January to July 2024

I worked again at this company as a researcher and developed several prototypes, including an AI-based voice control system, 3D space algorithms, and a monitoring system. I imroved, rewrote and migrated my thesis project from the cloud to a self-hosted solution using Solid.js and PocketBase. My work primarily involved Typescript, Python, and Go.

Banca delle Terre Venete logo

Banca delle Terre Venete "Bank of Venetian Lands" - Developer, engineer

Two months project, spring 2024

After a company merger, the bank had duplicated software and procedures, causing inefficiency. I developed an automation tool, bccauto, to sync data from various sources and execute advanced macros. Working within strict security protocols and a legacy system, I used Go for its developer speed and portability. The UI was built with Alpine.js for easy, on-the-fly modifications.

Playnook logo

Playnook - Frontend developer

Two months project, autumn 2023

This audiobook publisher sought to use generative AI for translations, revisions, and text editing. I developed a plugin for Magebook, an open-source editor I created in 2019, popular in Italy. This plugin connects to the OpenAI GPT-4 API, performs intelligent queries, and integrates with the editor.

Gasparini logo

Gasparini Industries Srl - Backend & frontend developer, researcher

Internship, from November 2022 to April 2023

Gasparini is a leader company of high-quality industrial machinery hardware, but still relies on legacy software. I investigated on a cloud migration scenario and I developed a web app able to ingest industrial drawings and turn them into machine instructions. I used Typescript+Svelte+Three.js+TailwindCSS for the frontend, and Node+Postgres+Postgraphile for the backend. I worked with microservices, Docker, Azure and CI/CD pipelines based on Pulumi.

Witted logo

Witted Srl - Backend & frontend developer, software architect

Two weeks internship, summer 2020

I worked on Daphne (a project about monitoring forests with smart sensors), developing a backend from scratch with AWS, Serverless and Node. I also developed a frontend, with Javascript+Svelte, to view and label data.
I worked again on the Zephyrus framework: a major rewrite with ZeroMQ instead of ROS improved build time of 10˙000% and delay of 100˙000%. It’s still adopted in over 10 company projects.

Witted logo

Witted Srl – Software architect

Two weeks high school internship, summer 2018 + remote work afterwards

I designed and coded a framework called Zephyrus. Based on ROS and Docker, Zephyrus automates build, run e debug of distributed programs, as the ones used in company robots. I was also involved in the making process of a Sealion ROUV (underwater drone) prototype.

Education and awards

In 2021, I got my Bachelor Degree in the University of Padova with a score of 110/110 Cum Laude.

In 2023, I got my Master Degree in the University of Padova with a score of 110/110 Cum Laude too.

University of Padova - Degree badge My Bachelor Degree, called "Ingegneria dell'Informazione", is meant as a theorical basis for the Computer Engineering Master Degree.

In my Bachelor Thesis (english PDF here en, italian PDF here it), I started with an in-depth analysis on the current ways to run Linux binaries on Android and I developed my own solution to the problem. That solution allows to remap a virtual chroot enviroment, based on Alpine Linux, to web based interfaces built with Node, Svelte and libraries such as NoVNC.js; the overall idea is to use the Linux enviroment as a server, and stream its apps on a webview: in this way, Linux binaries, even GUI ones, may be restiled to provide a better mobile experience without patching the binary code itself. The resulted app was able to run a terminal, and even complex apps such as Chrome and Libreoffice. Moreover, it was extensible by third parts, provided full support to Pulseaudio and was really optimized in size (÷30mb for a full working Linux terminal). You may download the Android apk here or look at the source code on github.com/unyw, (keep in mind I still have to clean it).

In the pictures below, the app diagram + some screenshots

app diagram
app screenshots

Actually I started coding well before university. During high school, I was team leader and main developer of the ”Space Lions” team, which won the international Zerorobotics challenge launched by NASA, MIT and many others.

We had to program a small spherical satellite to complete a series of tasks in a simulated environment against the SPHERE of our rivals. In the final match, our codes were actually uploaded to real satellites in the space, and tested inside the International Space Station.

An embarassed 18-years-old myself still appears on the zr homepage of University of Turin

photo of the Space Lions team

And that's all!

Thanks for reading till the end. If you are interested, contact me at luca.fabbian.1999@gmail.com. I'm currently looking for a PhD smile

[[ Hello world, 
I'm Luca ]]

A young Computer Engineer 
who heart to:

Arrange, architect and document codes

Build frameworks and libraries for automating tasks

Work on Web and Android apps